Waxing Classes, in person and online, Learn how to wax a client

The Naked Truth of Esthetics Education. Almost every state in the USA, requires an esthetics or cosmetology license to practice esthetics. Depending on which state you live in; your license might be aesthetics or esthetics.  Either way, the school requirements to graduate vary vastly state to state. As few as 300 hours may be required…

Safeguard your Business – Liability insurance in the waxing industry 

Safeguard your Business - Liability insurance in the waxing industry

All is going as planned, you graduate from esthetics school, take hours of advanced classes, work at an established business to build your clientele and voila, you are ready to branch out on your own. You aren’t alone.  The number of individual suites, lofts and shared spaces for skin care and waxing has boomed in…

Melanoma Matters

Melanoma Matters

May is Skin Cancer Awareness Month April showers may bring May flowers, but May is also #SkinCancerAwareness month.  As estheticians, we have strict guidelines when it comes to treating our clients. The laws vary state by state but what is clear is that we do not diagnose, prescribe, or treat layers below the epidermis.  However, we…